Thursday 19 November 2015

Current progress

Over the past few months my blog has primarily consisted of research with a start on planning; the last month spent filling out each task criteria. I am fairly happy with the quality of my research, though I feel there is still content to add and improve. My blog is currently lacking in some short film analysis' that may help to influence my final product, so I will upload one or two more before shooting. Research into various film styles throughout multiple movements and genres is also something I would like to add to my blog, art house films in particular. Moreover, I would like top explore posters from various other genres, such as sic-fi and action films from the late 20th century. The reasoning behind exploring various genres being that my product will be postmodern, and genre-hybridisation is a convention which I hope to apply boldly to my work.

Currently I am finalising my planning by finishing up my storyboard and creating an amanita along with it. These are two tasks that I can easily achieve before I want to start filming, however I still need to time to select and photograph the sets, costumes and props. The animatic I have planned should enable me to plan out timing and sequencing in order to prepare men for filming. Writing the script whilst creating this animatic will hopefully give me a far greater vision into what my final product will look like. Casting is almost complete as I have agreed to shoot with people from A2 drama. I believe these chosen actors fit the description I have planned in my head, and will be able to pull off a professional and appropriate job. Following this I will make a shooting schedule and plan, ensure that each environment is safe for workers, and plan which equipment I will need to supply for filming. I have organised to borrow/hire most equipment for free from friends, although if I decide there are further resources required, like editing software, I have planned to spend a maximum of £300.

My main barrier with this project is timing, with new project plan provided by my Miss Piggot I hope to overcome this barrier to an extent, although I may need further help. I have scheduled filming with the cast for early to mid December, the majority of my first draft should be filmed and roughly edited
before Christmas. Research and planning will be completed by the end of November.

My project is currently moving faster that it has done for the previous few months. With a start on planning I have acquired a better direction of where my project is moving, and how to achieve the final product. Finally I am feeling keen to start filming and editing as oppose to dreading this process. Greater detail is going into my storyboarding and overall planning as I feel far more prepared.

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